What is Pointy J?

Pointy J is part of The Point Community Church in Port Macquarie.

We’re all about fun, real relationships, Jesus, the Bible, and not wasting our lives.

We're captured by Jesus and have found life in him.

We welcome anyone in years 6-12, no matter what background or belief.

You’re invited to come check it out! 

Pointy J on Friday Nights 7-9pm

Youth is on every Friday during school terms for Years 7-12 and starts at 7pm at Westport High (Finlay St). We play a bunch of games, eat, sing, hear a talk, and hang out together. And then we’ll hang out more afterwards and have a bunch more fun!

We’d love to see you there!

Time: 7-9pm

Cost: Free (dinner can be purchased for $3 and snacks & drinks can be bought too

Weekly Youth Point Groups

These are small groups where youth read the Bible together, sharing life and pray for one another. Years 6-8 meet  on Sunday mornings, Years 9-12 meet on Sunday arvos, all at Westport High.

To see what we are up to and dig into some of our Youth bible studies, click here.

Let us know if you want to join a Youth Point Group!

Get Plugged In


If you're a parent, we have a mailing list that communicates info each term and additionally when there's any major news. Email us to enquire about joining.

Pointy J Camp
Pointy J Camp 2024 is over but the good news is that Pointy J Camp 2025 is happening this April!
Stay tuned for more!