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Blokes! Get keen for the Men’s Brekky coming up on Saturday March 22nd!

It’s not always easy for men to find time to connect and grow in the word together as brothers in Christ, but it’s so important and worthwhile, and the Men’s Brekky is an awesome opportunity to do just that!

Catch up over a BBQ brekky with blokes from Morning and Arvo Church, open the bible together, and listen as some men from church share some of their personal experiences as Christian men, husbands and dads. This time we’ll be thinking into “Sharing Jesus With Mates” - thinking together into what it means to be on mission with those around us locally. Who can you be sharing Jesus with?

Registration is essential and only takes 30 seconds, just click HERE to rego and find out more details like time, place, cost and what to bring.
